
Publisher of this DATEV website

90329 Nuremberg, Germany

represented by

  • Prof. Dr. Robert Mayr (Chairman)
  • Julia Bangerth (Deputy Chairwoman)
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Krug (Deputy Chairman)
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Bär
  • Diana Windmeißer

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Nicolas Hofmann




Phone: +49 911 319-0

Address: 90429 Nuremberg, Paumgartnerstr. 6 - 14

Registration Court Nuremberg, GenReg No. 70

Value-added tax identification number (USt-IdNr.)
DE 133546770




Simone Wastl
Corporate Communications
Virnsberger Str 63
90431 Nuremberg



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Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Microsoft are brands of Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington. Android™ is a brand of Google Inc., CA 94043, USA. Apple, Mac, Mac OS, the Apple logo, iPad, and iPhone are brands of Apple Inc., registered in the USAand additional countries. App Store is a service brand of Apple Inc. ACL and the ACL logo are registered brands of ACL Services Ltd., Suite 1500, 980 Howe Street, Vancouver BC, Canada 2015. Lotus, Notes, and Lotus Notes are brands of IBM Corporation, Armonk, New York, US. All other products are brands of the respective companies.



Data protection

Here you find information on DATEV's online data protection principles.